Friday, September 18, 2015

Form 04

Understanding form from Life, Photo, Memory  & Imagination

Here are some exercises to help to understand 
the object's form and get an idea out out of your brain easier.
I think this is very crucial if you want to be a concept artist. 
(These exercises can be hard so start with simple objects 
then work your way up to harder stuff )

1. From life


First I found some interesting objects in the house and kitchen and I stared at each one to see the block shapes. Once I understood what block shapes it was made up of, I drew the object's construction out with a colouring pencil on a different angle. I then went over the construction with a black ink pen.  (The scanner didn't pick up the colouring pencil that well :/ )


2. From photo

This is like no.1 (From life) above but it's from a flat image.  
Drawing from a photo and drawing from life are not the same.
So this time we are going to try to put the flat information back into 3D information 
in our brains, then draw them on a different angle just like no.1 (from life).

 3. Short & long term memory

This a really good exercise but really hard too.
So for the short term memory, I walked around the house finding 
some objects then I looked at them carefully to work out their construction. 
I quickly went back to my office (at home) to draw them 
but with a different angle than when I looked at them.

For the long term memory, I tried to remember some things from years ago.
I thought this would be easy but it was really hard.  
I did the same thing with the block shapes and then drawing it.

4. Imagination

This is the same exercise as the others but the first step to this one is 
to imagine anything you want :) 

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